In a building dispute, a 'professional witness', a surveyor cum estate agent, aided and abetted my crooked client by issuing a 7 paged report on my works which was a complete fabrication. This report was so bad that years later in court ...
No, I teach my scouts the scout oath, law, and outdoor be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, COURTEOUS, KIND, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent...Also to help other people at all times...and other ...
And Senator Bill Nelson of Florida, who signed off on the Administration's plans, will now introduce legislation calling for a moratorium. Yes, smart move, a big oil spill would do much harm to Florida's Vacation industry. ...... Are you familiar with the oath law enforcement officers take? It is to enforce all laws of this country. And what Arizona has done is tell the Feds: If you won't enforce the law, we will. After all, Arizona bears the brunt of the violence and ...